汉服,即汉民族传统服饰汉服,即汉民族传统服饰 汉服,即汉民族传统服饰,, ,,正式名称为华夏衣冠,古又称汉装、华服、汉衣冠等。汉服起 ,正式名称为华夏衣冠,古又称汉装、华服、汉衣冠等。汉服起 ,正式名称为华夏衣冠,古又称汉装、华服、汉衣冠等。汉服起 源于华夏文明肇始的炎黄时代 源于华夏文明肇始的炎黄时代 源于华夏文明肇始的炎黄时代,, ,定型于春秋战国 定型于春秋战国 定型于春秋战国,, ,汉民族在汉朝正式形成后遂有汉服之名。此 汉民族在汉朝正式形成后遂有汉服之名。此 汉民族在汉朝正式形成后遂有汉服之名。此 ,历朝历代均有沿革历朝历代均有沿革 历朝历代均有沿革,, ,但其基本特点从未改变。汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉 但其基本特点从未改变。汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉 但其基本特点从未改变。汉服大体上可分为周汉汉服、魏晋南北朝汉 服、隋唐汉服、隋唐汉服、 隋唐汉服、宋明汉服四个发展阶段 宋明汉服四个发展阶段 宋明汉服四个发展阶段,, ,周汉风格古朴凝重 周汉风格古朴凝重 周汉风格古朴凝重,, ,魏晋风格潇洒飘逸 魏晋风格潇洒飘逸 魏晋风格潇洒飘逸,, ,隋唐风格雍容 隋唐风格雍容 隋唐风格雍容 华贵 华贵 华贵,  , 宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代 宋明两朝为汉服的集大成时代,  , 古朴、古朴、 古朴、典雅、 典雅、 典雅、华贵、 华贵、 华贵、明快等多种风格并存, 明快等多种风格并存, 明快等多种风格并存,百花齐放, 百花齐放, 百花齐放, 形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。(满清入关后,汉服在满清政府 形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。(满清入关后,汉服在满清政府 形成了蔚为大观的汉服体系。(满清入关后,汉服在满清政府““ “削发易服 削发易服 削发易服”” ”的民族压迫政策下 的民族压迫政策下 的民族压迫政策下 被人为禁止。此后,代表中国文化的正统华夏衣冠 被人为禁止。此后,代表中国文化的正统华夏衣冠 被人为禁止。此后,代表中国文化的正统华夏衣冠—— ——汉服,从中华大地基本消失。)汉服,从中华大地基本消失。) 汉服,从中华大地基本消失。) 汉服的主要特点是交领右衽、隐扣束带、宽袍大袖,不用扣子,而用绳带系结,给人洒 汉服的主要特点是交领右衽、隐扣束带、宽袍大袖,不用扣子,而用绳带系结,给人洒 汉服的主要特点是交领右衽、隐扣束带、宽袍大袖,不用扣子,而用绳带系结,给人洒 脱飘逸的印象, 脱飘逸的印象, 脱飘逸的印象,这些特点都明显有别于其他民族的服饰。 这些特点都明显有别于其他民族的服饰。 这些特点都明显有别于其他民族的服饰。汉服有礼服和常服之分, 汉服有礼服和常服之分, 汉服有礼服和常服之分,礼服制式 礼服制式 礼服制式 严谨,为正式场合穿的服饰;常服一般去掉大袖,适合百姓日常起居。以衣冠(汉服)、礼 严谨,为正式场合穿的服饰;常服一般去掉大袖,适合百姓日常起居。以衣冠(汉服)、礼 严谨,为正式场合穿的服饰;常服一般去掉大袖,适合百姓日常起居。以衣冠(汉服)、礼 仪(汉礼)为表征的中国,被邻国评为衣冠之国、礼仪之邦。 仪(汉礼)为表征的中国,被邻国评为衣冠之国、礼仪之邦。 仪(汉礼)为表征的中国,被邻国评为衣冠之国、礼仪之邦。 汉服运动是旨在以复兴汉民族传统服饰为媒介,引导人们增强对传统文化的关注和思 汉服运动是旨在以复兴汉民族传统服饰为媒介,引导人们增强对传统文化的关注和思 汉服运动是旨在以复兴汉民族传统服饰为媒介,引导人们增强对传统文化的关注和思 考,寻回失落的华夏情节,寻回失落的华夏情节, 寻回失落的华夏情节,由物质的汉服导向精神的文明, 由物质的汉服导向精神的文明, 由物质的汉服导向精神的文明,并最终实现传统中华文化向现代 并最终实现传统中华文化向现代 并最终实现传统中华文化向现代 转型的社会文化复兴运动。 转型的社会文化复兴运动。 转型的社会文化复兴运动。 “中国有服章之美谓之华,中国有服章之美谓之华, 中国有服章之美谓之华,有礼仪之大谓之夏 有礼仪之大谓之夏 有礼仪之大谓之夏”” ,与华夏衣冠与华夏衣冠 与华夏衣冠(汉服) (汉服) (汉服)相应的礼不是形式, 相应的礼不是形式, 相应的礼不是形式, 而是民族历史之积淀,民族之根脉, 而是民族历史之积淀,民族之根脉, 而是民族历史之积淀,民族之根脉,汉服之美更须礼仪之大的依托。礼的卑己尊人、长幼有 汉服之美更须礼仪之大的依托。礼的卑己尊人、长幼有 汉服之美更须礼仪之大的依托。礼的卑己尊人、长幼有 序、严密规范诠释着华夏社会的理想,严密规范诠释着华夏社会的理想, 严密规范诠释着华夏社会的理想,而庄重、 而庄重、 而庄重、纯正、 纯正、 纯正、质朴的周礼更充分的发挥了礼的内涵。 质朴的周礼更充分的发挥了礼的内涵。 质朴的周礼更充分的发挥了礼的内涵。 汉服属广义的礼的范畴, 汉服属广义的礼的范畴, 汉服属广义的礼的范畴,通过礼仪的形式, 通过礼仪的形式, 通过礼仪的形式,指向华夏文明的内涵, 指向华夏文明的内涵, 指向华夏文明的内涵,因此汉服是礼与仁的 因此汉服是礼与仁的 因此汉服是礼与仁的 统一。 统一。 统一。 Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the  Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the  Han served, that is, the traditional costume of the Han nationality, formally known as the  Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China  Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China  Chinese dressed, also known as the ancient Chinese equipment, and services to China  and Chinese dressed, and so on. and Chinese dressed, and so on. and Chinese dressed, and so on. 第一张图。 第一张图。 第一张图。 Hanfu served in the origin of Chinese  Hanfu served in the origin of Chinese  Hanfu served in the origin of Chinese  civilization Yanhuang beginning of the era, in the shape of the Spring and Autumn, an  civilization Yanhuang beginning of the era, in the shape of the Spring and Autumn, an  civilization Yanhuang beginning of the era, in the shape of the Spring and Autumn, an  official of the Han nationality in the Han Dynasty was formed there in the name of serving  official of the Han nationality in the Han Dynasty was formed there in the name of serving  official of the Han nationality in the Han Dynasty was formed there in the name of serving  the Han. Since then, the historical evolution of all ages, but never changed its basic  the Han. Since then, the historical evolution of all ages, but never changed its basic  the Han. Since then, the historical evolution of all ages, but never changed its basic  characteristics. characteristics. characteristics.第二张 第二张 第二张 Han served on the whole service can be divided into the Han Zhou,  Han served on the whole service can be divided into the Han Zhou,  Han served on the whole service can be divided into the Han Zhou,  Wei and Jin Han clothing, Sui, Tang and Han clothing, Han clthing served four stages of  Wei and Jin Han clothing, Sui, Tang and Han clothing, Han clthing served four stages of  Wei and Jin Han clothing, Sui, Tang and Han clothing, Han clthing served four stages of  development,  development,  development, 第三张 第三张 第三张Zhou style dignified simplicity, elegant chic style of the Wei, Jin, Sui  Zhou style dignified simplicity, elegant chic style of the Wei, Jin, Sui  Zhou style dignified simplicity, elegant chic style of the Wei, Jin, Sui  and Tang dynasties Yongronghuagui style, Song and Ming Dynasties Han served as the  and Tang dynasties Yongronghuagui style, Song and Ming Dynasties Han served as the  and Tang dynasties Yongronghuagui style, Song and Ming Dynasties Han served as the  master of the times, simple, elegant, crisp style and other co-exist, letting a hundred  master of the times, simple, elegant, crisp style and other co-exist, letting a hundred  master of the times, simple, elegant, crisp style and other co-exist, letting a hundred  flowers bloom, the formation of the Han Weiweidaguan service system.  flowers bloom, the formation of the Han Weiweidaguan service system.  flowers bloom, the formation of the Han Weiweidaguan service system.  The main features of Chinese clothing is to pay the right collar overlapping part of  The main features of Chinese clothing is to pay the right collar overlapping part of  The main features of Chinese clothing is to pay the right collar overlapping part of  Chinese gown, the band deducted hidden, Kuanpao big sleeves, no buttons, and use  Chinese gown, the band deducted hidden, Kuanpao big sleeves, no buttons, and use  Chinese gown, the band deducted hidden, Kuanpao big sleeves, no buttons, and use  string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing, the characteristics of these  string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing, the characteristics of these  string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing, the characteristics of these  obviously are different from those of other ethnic costumes.  obviously are different from those of other ethnic costumes.  obviously are different from those of other ethnic costumes.  第五张 第五张 第五张Han and dressed in  Han and dressed in  Han and dressed in  uniforms or dress suits are divided, strict standard dress for formal occasions, wear  uniforms or dress suits are divided, strict standard dress for formal occasions, wear  uniforms or dress suits are divided, strict standard dress for formal occasions, wear  costumes; general dressed in uniforms or remove large sleeves for the common people  costumes; general dressed in uniforms or remove large sleeves for the common people  costumes; general dressed in uniforms or remove large sleeves for the common people  daily. Dressed to (Chinese service), courtesy (Han-li) for the characterization of China,  daily. Dressed to (Chinese service), courtesy (Han-li) for the characterization of China,  daily. Dressed to (Chinese service), courtesy (Han-li) for the characterization of China,  was dressed as the neighboring country, Liyizhibang.  was dressed as the neighboring country, Liyizhibang.  was dressed as the neighboring country, Liyizhibang.  第六张 第六张 第六张 Han is a service campaign aimed at revitalization of the traditional costumes of the  Han is a service campaign aimed at revitalization of the traditional costumes of the  Han is a service campaign aimed at revitalization of the traditional costumes of the  Han nationality for the media to lead people to strengthen the traditional culture of the  Han nationality for the media to lead people to strengthen the traditional culture of the  Han nationality for the media to lead people to strengthen the traditional culture of the  concerns and thinking, the Chinese recovered the lost plot by the Chinese  concerns and thinking, the Chinese recovered the lost plot by the Chinese  concerns and thinking, the Chinese recovered the lost plot by the Chinese  service-oriented material and spiritual civilization, and ultimately to the traditional Chinese  service-oriented material and spiritual civilization, and ultimately to the traditional Chinese  service-oriented material and spiritual civilization, and ultimately to the traditional Chinese  culture The transformation of modern social and cultural renaissance movement.  culture The transformation of modern social and cultural renaissance movement.  culture The transformation of modern social and cultural renaissance movement.  第七张 第七张 第七张 “China has a service called Chapter of the United States and China, that great ritual ”China has a service called Chapter of the United States and China, that great ritual  “China has a service called Chapter of the United States and China, that great ritual  of summer”, and dressed Chinese (Chinese services) is not in the form of the ceremony,  of summer”, and dressed Chinese (Chinese services) is not in the form of the ceremony,  of summer”, and dressed Chinese (Chinese services) is not in the form of the ceremony,  but the nation’s history and heritage, the roots of the nation, the Chinese service of the  but the nation’s history and heritage, the roots of the nation, the Chinese service of the  but the nation’s history and heritage, the roots of the nation, the Chinese service of the  United States to be more ceremonial Relying on the large. The British ceremony has been  United States to be more ceremonial Relying on the large. The British ceremony has been  United States to be more ceremonial Relying on the large. The British ceremony has been  respected, young and old, orderly and strict interpretation of the norms of Chinese society  respected, young and old, orderly and strict interpretation of the norms of Chinese society  respected, young and old, orderly and strict interpretation of the norms of Chinese society  ideals, and the solemn, pure and simple Zhou’s better to play the ceremony content.  ideals, and the solemn, pure and simple Zhou’s better to play the ceremony content.  ideals, and the solemn, pure and simple Zhou’s better to play the ceremony content.  第八 第八 第八 张张 Han served a broad scope of the ceremony, the rite of passage in the form of point Han served a broad scope of the ceremony, the rite of passage in the form of point  Han served a broad scope of the ceremony, the rite of passage in the form of point  to the connotation of Chinese civilization, it is serving the Han and Hui, the unity ceremony.  to the connotation of Chinese civilization, it is serving the Han and Hui, the unity ceremony.  to the connotation of Chinese civilization, it is serving the Han and Hui, the unity ceremony.  第九张 第九张 第九张